5 Exclusive Benefits of Installing CCTV Video Surveillance in Schools

June 21, 2022 | By: mm-admin
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One of the core responsibilities of any school is to provide a safe environment for their students and staff.  Adding a video surveillance system as part of a school’s overall security plan is an increasing trend.  Through the use of video surveillance, schools are able to help reduce many common challenges they experience including:

  • Bullying
  • Theft
  • Absenteeism
  • Trespassing
  • Violence

Parents trust schools to provide a safe environment for their children every day, and a well-designed video surveillance system can help provide security and peace of mind.

There are many benefits to having video surveillance systems in schools, here are five key benefits:

1. Incident Prevention

Prevention is an important function of having a video surveillance system available in a school.  By having security cameras placed in critical locations, schools will deter would-be criminals from committing crimes or behaving poorly.  This video footage can be used as evidence when enforcing disciplinary actions; and through integrations with your security system, mobile apps, and video verification, administrators can address these incidents swiftly and accurately.

2. Assist with Access Control

A video surveillance system can provide an additional layer of access control to a school premises.  Through integration, this combination enables schools to track exactly who is accessing the school and areas of the building through confirmed credentials and visual records.  Additionally, security cameras offer great support to actual security guards, allowing them to focus on key areas.

3. Deter Theft

Theft is a common occurrence at many schools as it pertains to students’ valuables or school equipment and supplies.  Video surveillance can be a valuable tool to help prevent theft from occurring.  By having security cameras in common areas, vulnerable locations, or rooms where valuables are stored, schools can deter unwanted behaviour and theft.  Video surveillance also allows school administrators to monitor the use of resources and equipment to ensure they are being used properly.

4. Monitor Attendance and School Activities

Teachers and administrators strive to monitor the whereabouts of their students during school activities however, their methods are not completely foolproof, especially outside of school hours.  Video surveillance can be used to support the efforts of schools by allowing them to verify attendance and assist in locating people.  This helps to ensure safety within the school and can be used in the event of emergencies.

5. Ensure Safety During Emergencies

While emergencies at a school may be infrequent, it’s important for a school to be prepared in the event that they may take place.  If they do occur, and a school needs to be evacuated, video surveillance can be used to locate bottlenecks, and identify available exit points.

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fire monitoring of canada logoFor over 30 years, Fire Monitoring of Canada (FMC) has been an industry leader in the monitoring of fire alarm and security systems.  If you would like to learn more about how video surveillance systems can help improve your security, call just at 1 888 789 FIRE (3473), email fminfo@fire-monitoring.com, or fill out the contact form below.