Three Myths About Intrusion Alarm Systems

June 21, 2022 | By: mm-admin
image of myths versus factsAn intrusion alarm system is an incredibly important component of your security strategy that is meant to keep your business and property safe from the threat of possible break-and-enter attempts.

However, there are many misconceptions about their efficiency, what they cost, and whether they’re really worth it.  We’ve identified three common myths that we often hear so that you’ll have all the facts when you start the process of researching and purchasing an intrusion alarm system.

What is an Intrusion Alarm System?

An intrusion alarm system is utilized to detect the presence of intruders and send alerts in the event of a security event.  Through a collaborative effort between an Intrusion Alarm System and a multitude of connected devices, a would-be-thief can be quickly detected when attempting to enter your facility.

Intrusion Alarm Systems are often integrated with other elements to provide you with a comprehensive and unified security solution.  This can include elements such as:

Three Myths About Intrusion Alarm Systems

Even though there are many benefits to having a professionally installed intrusion alarm system, there are some popular myths that exist.  We will now debunk three of the most common myths we still hear today.

1.  An intrusion alarm system won’t stop a determined thief

There are many building owner and operators who believe that a very determined thief will not be deterred by the presence of an intrusion alarm system.  However, studies have been conducted on the effect the presence of an intrusion alarm has on a would-be thief.  It was found that As much as 60% of burglars casing a potential target would indeed be deterred by an alarm system.  Properties that are equipped with security alarms, and make it apparent that they are secured through the use of a sticker or yard sign are less likely to be targeted by thieves.  The majority of crimes occur because an opportunity is presented, and properties without an intrusion alarm system make themselves an easy target.

2.  I won’t get my return on investment

Another myth that we often hear is that the cost of an intrusion alarm system outweighs the benefits.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  You’ve put a significant investment into your business or property, and it is incredibly important to do as much as you can to protect it properly.  Today’s technology has made intrusion alarm systems very reasonably priced, and you can select additional features to scale the level of security as you desire.  For protection and peace of mind, these solutions provide you with a significant return on your investment.

3.  Installation is too difficult and intrusive

Intrusion alarm systems come in a variety of wired and wireless set ups.  Either style is easily installed by a trained Service Technician however, new wireless solutions offer a simplified installation in comparison with wired solutions.

New technologies like the Bosch G-Series or DSC’s Power G, are making problems with wireless signal strength a thing of the past.  These systems can cover huge facilities with either a single wireless transmitter or a couple of wireless signal repeaters.

Learn More

fire monitoring of canada logoDon’t let these myths dissuade you from considering intrusion alarm systems.  The right tools will indeed keep your business and assets safe so that you can rest better at night.

Fire Monitoring of Canada has been a leader in the fire monitoring and security monitoring industry for over 30 years.  Trust the experts and give your property the protection it deserves; call us at 1 866 789 FIRE (3473), email, or fill out the contact form below for more information on how an intrusion alarm system can benefit your building.